Sin & Punishment on the N64!

Recently I have been importing games from Japan. One system I have been doing this for has been the Nintendo 64. I even set up, this week, my console hooked to an old 2 ton tube style TV instead of my flat-screen. Why you may ask? Because it looks like it is supposed to look. All the lines and stuff are there. It sort-of takes me back.

This week I have been spending time with “Sin & Punishment” on my N64. It completely blows my mind that they did not bring this game to the US during its release date in 2000. And it would have meant little effort on their part, as it is basically already in English except for the menu system. It would have been such a hit at that point in gaming history.

This game is full of action. It is a forward-behind-the-character shooter on rails.

This game is full of action. It is a forward-behind-the-character shooter on rails.

I know this was remade for the Wii in 2009, or it is considered the successor. And this N64 version was also released on the VC, seven years later after the initial release. But sometimes there are those “moments” that are missed. Timing is everything. As technology changes, it also changes the situation. And, years later, as it was released for the Wii it became missed and buried among a host of other games across the various consoles. Its impact was diluted.

I know my photos are a blurr, it does not do justice to this fun filled game.

I know my photos are a blur, it does not do justice to this fun filled game.

I consider this a classic for the N64 that must be experienced by anyone that owns the N64 console. And I know that many gamers of this generation would probably not understand the significance. The gaming world has changed so much since those days.

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